Not a good look

By dumb dumb dumb - 20/10/2020 11:04 - United States

Today, my daughter decided she wants to be a Pokémon for Halloween. To practice the look, she used fabric dye because she thought it would look cool on her skin. Only she decided to dress as Jynx and instead of looking cool, she looks like a racist idiot in blackface. She posted pics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 236
You deserved it 186

Same thing different taste

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Well, there goes her career in politics! This may turn out to be a fortunate blunder in the long run.

Is there a Pokemon called "Don'tKnowSpit?" She could go as that. Maybe hang a sign around her neck so people can recognize it right off. Seriously, how old is the daughter in question? If she's very young, this would take some time to do. If she's a teenager, she's going to have a lot of explaining to do.


Is there a Pokemon called "Don'tKnowSpit?" She could go as that. Maybe hang a sign around her neck so people can recognize it right off. Seriously, how old is the daughter in question? If she's very young, this would take some time to do. If she's a teenager, she's going to have a lot of explaining to do.

She can say she’s dressed like Justin Trudeau. Everyone still loves him.

Well, there goes her career in politics! This may turn out to be a fortunate blunder in the long run.

Way things are going sounds like she's got a good shot at the presidency.

Sorry, I had to look up Jynx. All I can say is, of all the hundreds of Pokemon out there, your daughter chose THAT one? Blech... I mean, couldn't she have just dressed as Nicki Minaj? Really no difference between the two.

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I would assume 7-12ish for daughters age, so while embarrassing it should simply lead to a discussion about the "blackface" outcome of her attempt and another discussion to get help with such costume needs and possible issues with both when it comes to public perception... but if she is young most would laugh about it, so give her a nametag for the pokemon and tell her to wear it.

They changed Jynx's skin colour to purple well after that though. Did she get black dye, or purple, and it just looks too dark?