Keep cool

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, at work, I screamed, used one of my employees as a human shield, dove for cover, and cried. Why? A bat flew into my store. Bats scare me shitless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 515
You deserved it 10 117

Top comments

Already I predict a large number of comments written by pricks who apparently aren't afraid of anything and do not accept the idea of someone else having serious fears of anything.


GreenDaemon21 0

dis is why dey shudnt let wimmen be managers

lem0n_fml 0

This is why people like you shouldn't be allowed to use the internet. lrn2grammar. ******* sexist idiot.

Towelie_31 0

I'd feel worse for the guy you used as a human shield.

mrose57 0

I think I just saw that on "The Office".

boatkicker 4

A bat flew into my head once. hit my forehead. I heard that sometimes they'll get stuck there and like, attach or something, but that didn't happen. Not entirely sure if the person who told me that was kidding or not though, so whatever. Never fun to have something fly into your face, but there are worse things. Bats are mostly harmless, but a lot of people are afraid of them. Sorry for the embarrassment, OP, but it could have been worse. At least it only flew into your store, and not your face?

This FML is fake. I'm watching an episode of the office with the same general story.

driedpeaches 0

With this statement I've deduced that you are in deed, the caped crusader! L gets his man every time except the last time...

that sounds a lot like the episode of "the office" last night.