Pokémon Gone

By pogo Nono - 04/06/2021 11:01 - United States

Today, I found a guy I play Pokémon Go with on Facebook. We decided to meet up at a popular hunting spot so we could organize a trade. His wife showed up out of nowhere, causing a huge scene and threatening to kick my ass. I had my husband and kids with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 103
You deserved it 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did your spouse stand up for you? I sure as Hell would. Also, try not to meet up with people in that fashion. It's just not safe.

A popular hunting spot usually means some kind of a public place, you don't hunt pokemon in a literal forest. Plus she had her husband with her, so it's not like she went there alone.


Did your spouse stand up for you? I sure as Hell would. Also, try not to meet up with people in that fashion. It's just not safe.

A popular hunting spot usually means some kind of a public place, you don't hunt pokemon in a literal forest. Plus she had her husband with her, so it's not like she went there alone.

I don't know man, humans have really been pushing the Squirtles out of their native habitat recently. you really have to get away from the big cities to find them anymore.

Lydmyers 9

wow... talk about insecure, on her part. I hope you're okay OP.

superjew 8

Maybe she thought you were after his poke balls? Lol

the real question is what your team? mystic right gotta be. mystic 4 life! **** instincts in particular... at least in my area we at war for the singular gym here.