Just go

By MitchFail - 23/07/2009 06:42 - United States

Today, in the midst of foreplay, this girl tells me I'm "so hot". I respond "Ditto." She heatedly responds, "I love ditto," to which I suavely reply, "I didn't know you were into Pokémon. That may make you even sexier." She knows nothing about Pokémon, but I sure know how to kill the mood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 736
You deserved it 74 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Carlyyy 0

What did she mean then, "I love ditto." ...

I would've thought the exact same thing. Pokemon ftw.


nikki1001 0

Honey, I'm 20 and know that "ditto" was around way before the movie Ghost came out. Ugh...this in reference to #74 ^^^^

UH, then what did she mean, "I love Ditto"? That's just kinda.....

Don't bring people that like to get high down to this idiot's level.

Thadius 0

Maybe she was referring to Beth Ditto some retarded american wannabe indi singer?

when I read "I love ditto" I thought she meant pokemon too.

FYL indeed dude. From what I gather from previous comments, she was making an obscure movie reference, and badly at that.

sondramcfail 0

That's something I would say. xD But really, what the hell does "I love ditto" mean?? Beth Ditto? Ditto jeans? Ditto machines? Bizarre.

summersong89 0

ahh the throws of geek love :) lol i got a kick out of this one.

brilliantbarbie 0

I disagree...Im sure you know that it's historical origination only after googling the word "ditto" but its KNOWN because it was used in the movie Ghost, in an extremely romantic way (no Ditto was not a pet name he had for her in the movie). Thats my point...she may have said Ohh "I love ditto" as in I love the (concept of) ditto, so maybe shes gotta work on her proper english, but seriously, if this guy is young enough to think Ditto refers to pokemon, what makes anyone think his girlfriend is that up on 17th century history that she would be like "OMG ur so deep!!! you know all about 17th century words and the fact that you know the origination of Ditto and how to use the word to pertain to the fact that we are getting romantically envolved at this moment makes me so excited!!" I think thats highly unlikely in comparison to simply "Ohhh, Ditto.... how romantic of you!!" she was thinking of the context "Ditto" was used in the Movie, not how it was used in the 17th century.

I think you missed the point of the person's comment about the 17th century. SINCE then, it has been used to mean "right back at ya." She wasn't supposed to assume he was using it to show off his knowledge of 17th century history, she was supposed to assume it meant the same thing it had meant since its first usage, rather than being a somewhat esoteric movie reference. Also, it should be noted that if "some girl" was quoting a romantic movie during foreplay, that's a problem in itself. Romance has no place in one-night stands.

nickicoal 0

Every time someone says ditto I think of Ghost. I'm assuming when she said she loves ditto, she meant she loves the word or when people use it. Makes sense I guess. But, OP, you are my hero!!