By Anonymous - 09/07/2012 01:29 - United States

Today, I had a violent sneezing attack while changing my phone's password and now I have no idea what it could be. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 869
You deserved it 5 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doesn't it give you two tries one to change it and after confirm it?

Ur pasword probably spells out "bless you" ^_^


loserboii 11

How is that possible? Did you randomly press numbers or letters while sneezing? "achoo! Jajxj7828282"

Doesn't it give you two tries one to change it and after confirm it?

I've done this as well. Somehow it is possible to type the same thing in twice and have no idea what it is. Although doing it while sneezing sounds a tad trickier.

Fyl! I hope you backed up your phone. Only a factory restore will fix this. Of course you can try and guess ahaha:). Good luck

Oh the possibilities are endless! Try referring back to the pass code you were planning to change it to. Otherwise, I would suggest going to get it reset or something!

Well.. Keep trying.. Next think you know, your phone will be disabled for a year. Good luck with that.

anzie_fml 9

Or 42 years, if it's an iPhone. Sh** gets real when you have to wait 26,000,000 hours before you can guess again.

Waiting 5 minutes to guess again is like a month to me.. 42 years would be one hell of a disaster.

Ur pasword probably spells out "bless you" ^_^

Or maybe "Screw you." Just a possibility.

Or maybe "Screw you." Just a possibility.

huskerz20 4

Damn at least your still alive

That's a good point. Sneeze attack epidemics have been known to wipe out entire towns.

huskerz20 4

Thank you for your sneeze awareness

I lost my mom to sneezing.. It's been about 4 years now..

huskerz20 4

I should prolly start a charity for those less fortunate families losing loved ones to nasal tradegies