It's not working

By naas1201 - 10/05/2020 23:00

Today, and ever since the beginning of our couples' therapy, my wife and I don't do it anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 581
You deserved it 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This should probably be my own FML but our 36 year old Daughter is an only child because that was the last time my Wife allowed me to be intimate with her. She is otherwise a good spouse for me.

Sounds like you have a roommate instead of a wife.


This should probably be my own FML but our 36 year old Daughter is an only child because that was the last time my Wife allowed me to be intimate with her. She is otherwise a good spouse for me.

Is this something your therapist is asking of you? If so, it’s for a reason! Take the right steps now so your marriage survives and thrives!

Sounds like you have a roommate instead of a wife.

Mathalamus 24

Stop thinking of yourself.

If your therapist recommended that, stick to that advice. If not, ask yourself if it is more important or worse than what you went to therapy for in the first place. If it is bothering you so much, bring it up in therapy but not in a "I don't get it from you anymore" kind of way gut rather a "I would like to know what is bothering you / what is wrong" kind of way. Be sensitive!

uniformed 13

sounds like u need to get u a side peice

Doom_Kitty 12

I don't see a problem here. Women statistically want more sex when everything is fine and all problems solved. Men statistically tend to relieve stress via sex. You're adults: find a middle way and talk about it.