Introvert struggles

By knife knife - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Dalkeith

Today, I ate out, even though I was tired. When my main course arrived, I realised I had sent both my forks away with the starter plate. Rather than say anything, I ate dinner with two knives. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 916
You deserved it 15 457

Same thing different taste


how do you eat with 2 knives? i dropped my ipod in a hole once, and used barbecue tongs to get it out... i imagine its something like that. took me like 45 minutes and wrapping the tongs in duct tape, but i did it.

Cdwoods 20

i feel like asking the waiter for a fork probably would've gone a bit better.

That has to be the dumbest thing I have Ever Heard. Why Would You Not Ask For A Fork?

that sounds like more of a passive aggressive meal than a tired one... js

In Sweden we would call that a knifey situation ;) (en knivig situation)

I feel like there's a type of social anxiety OP has that went unsaid in this FML. I only assume because I have anxiety and have had similar experiences.

if I had been your waiter I would have noticed and brought you another.