
By indierocklove - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I finally started doing cardio and getting in shape. What motivated me to do it? Watching a zombie movie. The slow ones bite the dust first. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 738
You deserved it 8 936

Same thing different taste

By stressedartist - 09/09/2016 12:43 - United States

Today, I ran over Oprah. FML
I agree, your life sucks 499
You deserved it 70

Top comments

That's what got me going. Gotta survive the zombie apocalypse.


.......................... Zombies can't run there dead

TheHoboWerewolf 0

Um hold on one second...have you even seen 28 days later? Or how bout Dawn of the Dead?! those bastards are fast and since they're dead they are more flexible to run! Common sense man! lol

TheHoboWerewolf 0

Um hold on one second...have you even seen 28 days later? Or how bout Dawn of the Dead?! those bastards are fast and since they're dead they are more flexible to run! Common sense man! lol

TheHoboWerewolf 0

My bad for the double post. ^ :P

Did you just make a reference to fictional characters and then say "common sense" in the same sentence?

Gruv3r14 1

Read the zombie survival guide by max Brooks, you can download the PDF at

they also can't exist COS IT'S ******* FICTION, you ass!

if there was a zombie apocalypse and it were left4dead zombies we would all be ******! : P

TheHoboWerewolf 0

Well Rooney...I'm sorry that not everyone has your incredibly high level of perception but instead of being a ******* douche, next time...just realize the sarcasm. Now go crawl back up your momma's snatch and die! :)

152... That really doesn't say much. Right now, flying cars are mostly fiction (unless you count the hovercraft as a flying car), but sometime in the future, they'll be a reality. Also, zombies are technically possible. They're dead bodies that are still firing brain signals. I forgot how exactly, but several scientist have shown theories as to how zombies could be real.

anakaren_831 1

Everyone has different ways of motiation, thanks to zombies you are now gonna shed some pounds :)

News just in: Hospitals to launch zombies as part of their anti-obesity programme.

Midrash 5
bettyc4 26

Darwinism . fat and slow are the first to go

Zombies go after people with brains, which is why you really don't have to worry.

bettyc4 26
sexxme 9

haha this made me giggle a little bit(: well regardless of the reason, good for you. Getting in shape is always a good thing.