By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, our school started an anti-bullying policy, and we watched a video about bullying. After the video, I told a teacher about a bullying case going on that I know about. His response? "Tell someone who cares!" as he walked away, chuckling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 919
You deserved it 4 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

He probably saw Bad Teacher, which raised his douchness to over 9000.


Bullying is dumb Kay most people that are bullied are bitches that should stand up for themselves I was bullied a bit as a kid then talked to my parents they said fight Him and I kicked his ass no more bullying done

Good for you. What about the poor kid who's: A) Half the bully's size? B) Has no knowledge of how to fight? C) Mentally unstable, so he makes a correlation between solving problems and violence, so now he beats his wife/kids/is a violent criminal? D) etc, etc etc... Just because you solved your problem with violence doesn't mean it's the 'right' way to handle it. When they choose to not stoop to the same level as the bully by getting physical, it doesn't make them a 'bitch'. Those with the authority to stop violence on the school yard should do so; that teacher should be fired for taking such a cavalier attitude towards it.

Have you ever met a bully? A person in authority trying to stop the violence has no effect on these people, because the majority of them don't give a toss if they get a detention or suspension. To them that's just proof that they are getting at you. They are much better off teaching the victim to stand up for themselves.

People can't do that. It's uncivilized. And when the bully is a lot bigger than you you can't fight em

How is knowing some self-defence uncivilized? If we were talking over 18 most bullying would fall into assault and/or battery. Besides just because they know how to defend themselves the confidence they could gain can be enough to throw off a bully, also if the fact that victims were getting self-defence then bullies would think twice before starting something. With some training you can defend yourself against someone bigger than you.

#115... If most bullies over 18 would be considered to be committing assault and battery... wouldn't it make sense to report it to someone, like how in the real world, you would report it to the police? Self-defense only works in the short term. Bullying is, by definition, a long-term thing. It also often involves verbal attacks. You can't just beat someone up for verbally attacking you-- in the real world you'd be arrested for that.

I can tell you standing up for yourself doesn't always work. When my dad was in MS an obviously gay boy was dressed up in a Star Trek shirt at school. This very large boy, that used to be my father's friend, started picking on him. The gay boy stood his ground and stood up for himself. The large boy launched himself on him and according to my father it took maybe ten seconds for that boy to brutally beat the gay boy. The gay boy went running bloodied and bruised, my father never saw him at school again. He always said he regrets not stepping in but he was terrified he would end up in the same way. You can't always stand up to bullies and the system doesn't always help either. Sad but true

omggtfomi 1

#128 Yes it would make sense and, in the UK at least, people are making those claims even for things such as cyber-bullying and they can result in anything from a fine up to a prison sentence and restraining order. So it's not that the option isn't there it's that people don't know about it. Also I read of a case of a 13 year old's mother successfully suing the local council for breach of statutory duty and negligence resulting in a four figure compensation from the council and the bully being expelled from school. So in the cases where standing up for yourself doesn't work maybe this would be a better option @ #135? However, I still feel helping the victim stand up for themselves as a first option, a major effect of bullying is the damage to a persons self-confidence and surely being able to make a stand yourself would be better for your confidence than relying on someone else to sort out the problem? At no point did I say you should beat up people who verbally insult you I said self-defence, don't try and twist my words.

so...basically you just supported bullying. because if you bully the bully, that makes you no better than him or that teacher. when you know someone who almost died, not by suicide but because of the actions of the bullies, then you can respond. until then, please shut up.

People like that teacher are just pure ****. People who are saying you should just beat the bully up are so spectacularly missing the point.

Your teacher was probably a bully in high school, which would explain the cold heartedness.

I'm sorry but this anti-bullying crap only started because kids started shooting fellow classmates or offed themselves. I was bullied in school but i didn't shoot anyone, obviously i didn't kill myself either, it made stronger in the long run and motivated me to graduate. It's sad that people have to resort to taking lives when they're bullied but i feel no sympathy towards the individuals that do it

RedPillSucks 31

So bullying is a good way to toughen up the wimps? What a great life lesson. Bullies are actually doing us a favor.

People like you are blind to the actual cause. You are just as damaged as the rest of us who've been bullied you just hide it and burry it on the inside. Which is not healthy

You feel no sympathy to people who are mentally broken by being bullied that resort to killing themselves, or other people?? What about people like Pheobe Prince, the irish immigrant who was bullied by the worst scum i've seen of my generation, who killed herself? Or that girl who was cyberbullied by some asshole of a girl and the girls MOTHER pretending to be a boy from school who told the poor girl awful comment about "no one caring about her, kill yourself" and then killed her self? There was an FML where that OP was telling us how the suicide hot line was busy, a majority if the commenters where giving the poor OP crap about being suicidal, that's practically cyberbullying. No sympathy? **** you... I was bullied, and suicidal. You heartless ****...

Or Dom Crouch, Jamey Rodemeyer, Ashlynn Conner, and so many, many more. :-( @72, you are a dumb shit. Why don't you go check out WHOF, Friends of Dom Crouch Against Bullying, The Equality Mantra, and ABC: Anti-Bullying Coalition on Facebook just to name a few pages. Look back through just the last few months even and see how many kids have taken their own lives due to bullying. I'm glad that you didn't commit suicide, but you don't have to be a pompous prick in reference to the kids who truly, truly feel that there is no other option. This "anti-bullying crap" (as you so called it) needs to be enforced to the fullest. Contrary to ignorant and popular belief, this is not just "kids being kids" or whatever. It is a tragically serious problem.

Bring a gun to school and shoot him. You can now blame the teacher.

ash_719 5

What an asshole. Bullying can really permanently affect someone's life. I was bullied in elementary school, but luckily I had a teacher that cared about doing something to stop it. You should report that teacher to the principal or dean and get his ass fired.

LADiiL0KA24 11

This is why kids end up commiting suicide because when they ask for help nobody listens >.>

Number 57 has a great idea, as good as anti-bullying policies are they're hard to enforce because of how vague they are. If OP got a news station or something to notice that at his/her school (or just his/her teacher) is lying about enforcing the bullying policy, or if he/she could even prove that there was a lack of care for the policy, the teacher would probably be punished and OP would almost definately no longer have a bully problem

How could u laugh at this? It's a serious issue! Not a laughing matter