By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, our school started an anti-bullying policy, and we watched a video about bullying. After the video, I told a teacher about a bullying case going on that I know about. His response? "Tell someone who cares!" as he walked away, chuckling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 919
You deserved it 4 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

He probably saw Bad Teacher, which raised his douchness to over 9000.


Bullheard 0

There are way too many kids who are taking their own lives due to bullying. Another life lost is one too many. Report your ignorant ass teacher because he is one of the many blind idiots who are allowing this shit to happen. How many kids are going to need to commit suicide and/or be seriously scarred for life before people wake up? Grrr. Ridiculous!

1kiki81 6

Well u know what they say.....snitches get stitches.

u suck. they are not a snitch. this isn't a drug deal. it's being bullied as well as a teacher not doing their job.

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

What the ****... Is wrong with people who think this kid did something wrong? Someone needs to make a long list of "heartless assholes", don't expect it to be a short one. G.A.L (Get a life) bullying shouldn't be acceptable anywhere. What OP did was a good thing..

So would you want your son or daughter getting bullied to the point of suicide and nobody reported it or cared enough to help? Think about it you dumb bitch

Lmao i guess im not the only troll around these parts

REPORT HIS ASS... oh please do it. report him the teacher as well as the person bullying. I was bullied in school and it leaves emotional scars. it's not just something kids do. it went beyond that

perdix 29

No one likes a tattletale, Danny. Except, of course, me. Too bad your teacher is Judge Smails.

WoshJinchell93 11

What a shame that 99% of the people on this forum have no idea where this is from. But a man worthwhile Is a man who can smile When his pants are too tight in the seat

perdix 29

I guess in this case I'm for the 1 Percenters. Did somebody step on a duck?

JinxosGirl87 0

You should tell him that the principle will care a lot about what he said. Probably enough to put him out of a job.

Take your story to the local news, your story will be huge given recent events, and your teacher should be fired

If it's you that's being bullied, just kick the bullies ass. Problem solved.