Long time coming

By Anonymous - 19/11/2023 00:00

Today, our youngest child finally moved out of our house. I went to embrace my wife and say something romantic about us growing old together, but she said, "Thank God they're gone, I can finally leave you." An hour later, she was gone too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 038
You deserved it 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think she should have given you an indication long ago that she was unhappy so you could work on it with her. what she did was cold and calculated.

L0life29 6

damn man…that’s rough….but on the bright side…..HOOKERS AND COCAINE!!!!


L0life29 6

damn man…that’s rough….but on the bright side…..HOOKERS AND COCAINE!!!!

SylvarLorali 4

what a horrible thing to say. the poor guy clearly had no idea, and dearly loves his wife... what she did was cruel.

if she's like the 80% of women asking for a divorce, then she begged him to help her save the marriage for YEARS before this.

I think she should have given you an indication long ago that she was unhappy so you could work on it with her. what she did was cold and calculated.