The magic of love

By robot lady - 23/09/2020 23:01

Today, I learned just how “old fashioned” my girlfriend is when we talked about marriage. She said it should be approached as a logically as possible and that I make an ideal partner, based on my ability to provide. And while she sees sex as uninteresting, it is a wifely duty she’s willing to do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 422
You deserved it 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She literally told you you’re main appeal was your a bank account, and she doesn’t even enjoy having sex with you. Now is the time to make wise decisions.


genuinegoodguy 9

Run. If she can't feel an emotional attachment to you... get out.

yeah that sounds like your typical brainwashing from religious doctrine or she's a lonely sociopath.

Hah! You found an honest one! Most of them pretend to like sex until a few years into the marriage.

Not all women are like that. My husband gets sex from me whenever he wants, and I often initiate too. That didn't change just because we hot married.

theyellowgoose 3

or the men stop trying so the women get bored. OR their lives are to stressful from kids, work, house...

icalledhisname 12

Wow, it’s time for you to get a new life because the people you have experience with are lame, apparently. My sex drive is higher than my partner’s, I very much enjoy sex and I have for years. My friends are like this as well.

Some of you are taking my comment way too seriously. I wish there was a Sarcasm font.

She literally told you you’re main appeal was your a bank account, and she doesn’t even enjoy having sex with you. Now is the time to make wise decisions.

If this is her attitude now, it will get worse. Run away, drop her, find someone compatible.

Hopefully you're good enough at sex that if you do get married she'll see it as fun. And BTW, that's not "old fashioned." That's being raised by prudes who see sex as a chire and have taught her that.

Run. Run fast, run far. I have been in a marriage where there were religious issues and no real sexual attraction. It was the worst 3 years of my life.