How do I put it?

By weswithaute - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my daughter asked me how to spell "Orange". "O-R-A-N-G-E," I replied. Without missing a beat, she says, "No, I mean the colour, not the fruit." She's 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 773
You deserved it 7 996

Top comments

For her next lesson, tell her the colour brown is spelt S-H-I-T.

IKickPuppiesHard 16

Beat her with a bag of oranges till she understands.


KaleJade 0

I fear for humanity's literacy. Honestly, now.

lellalove_fml 23

Maybe she was just ******* with her mom. It's something I would do to make my mom feel like a dumbass. For a moment.

Sweetpea22 14

Colour is how it's spelled in other countries, moron

still_guns 16

idiot, just because its color in america doesn't mean its color everywhere else

Kc1001 14

I don't get why parents complain about their child's stupidity. You raised that creature.

Why did she need help spelling orange anyway if she's 16...