How do I put it?

By weswithaute - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my daughter asked me how to spell "Orange". "O-R-A-N-G-E," I replied. Without missing a beat, she says, "No, I mean the colour, not the fruit." She's 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 773
You deserved it 7 996

Top comments

For her next lesson, tell her the colour brown is spelt S-H-I-T.

IKickPuppiesHard 16

Beat her with a bag of oranges till she understands.


Thats the dumbest girl you'll ever meet. She sat next to damien in English class last year... she asked me how to spell orange!

I just asked this to my mom the other day, she looked at me, laughed, then walked away

Well ain't she just the smartest tool in the shed

It's your fault. Can't teach a 16 year old .

That's a fail on your part for having a daughter that dumb !!

Probably because you don't have a life duh !!


this makes me sad for human existence

miss101 3

It's bad enough she has to ask how to spell orange at her age.

DancinChikk 0

Wow, what college will she be attending???