Hey lady! Chill!

By Anonymous - 25/08/2011 21:17 - United States

Today, I was out shopping when an old lady bumped into me and dropped her purse. Trying to help, I bent over to pick it up, at which point she battered the shit out of me, called me a "filthy thief" and threatened to open an umbrella in my ass. What the fuck has the world come to? FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 380
You deserved it 3 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP did ask him/herself that; along with everyone on fml, in the form of a rhetorical question.


SoulTermination 3

Wow. My response to her would've been, "If you have a problem with me trying to be polite and helpful by picking up your bag for you, I can always toss this sh*tty-ass thing of yours out in the street and pray you get run over fetching it yourself! How's that?"

Winter1lover 7

Seriously, don't help old people. I work as a cashier and had one lady hit me over the head with her handbag for loading the bags into her cart for her. She told me that I ought to get back to doing something I'm good at (which apparently was not loading bags into a cart) lol FYL anyway.

mizk 0

Shame on you for trying to help an elder lady..

InsaneLife98 14

Oh, this posts comments are the best I've seen on FML when it comes to modern-day society, that is. Yes, don't let this modern-day society bring you down and tear you apart. Just because the stereotypical old woman did that to you because she thought you were one of those petty thieves doesn't mean that everyone thinks you are.

Hahaha oh my god that is to ****** funny

VampireRain17 6

Seriously... People suck. Always have, always will. Sorry that you got accused, don't let it make you stop being a good person. There aren't enough good people anymore.