Helter Skelter

By bobra - 21/10/2019 12:00

Today, I decided to face my fears and go on my first upside-down ride. Unfortunately for me, the two men in front of me had chosen to eat before the ride and I walked off with bits of strawberry and bacon in my hair, my clothes drenched in whitish fluid, not to mention the stench. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 862
You deserved it 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slowhandjp 16

Strawberry bacon and whitish fluid? What did the guys eat?

Not a good sequence of events for an attempted fear conquering, I'd say.


Not a good sequence of events for an attempted fear conquering, I'd say.

slowhandjp 16

Strawberry bacon and whitish fluid? What did the guys eat?

If you don't know, you really don't want to know.

Two men? Whitish fluid? I hope you don't connect the dots, hun, or your life just got a whole new level of ******!

How... how did you know it was strawberry and bacon? 🤔

helter skelter is a race war...just sayin'