Hard no

By LoveDrug - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Ireland

Today, the only guy showing slightly any interest in me is a Nazi-obsessed psychopath. He uses lovely pick-up lines such as, "Hey, do you know how much it hurts to staple your hand?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 329
You deserved it 2 960

Top comments

Say "No, but you're about to find out", then staple the shit out of his hand. Yeah... that would be hilarious :')

I prefer when my neo-nazi lover roleplays in the bed. She likes to call me Anne Frank and punish me for being a hideaway jew.


*sigh* sounds dreamy ;) fyl op, sorry hon!

how long does it takes to put a fml thingi...?

perdix 29

You sound desperate and I'll guess you are sexually inexperienced. Here's what ya do: Put on your Eva Braun wig and tell him to drop trou so you can salute Der Fuhrer. Let him blitz your krieg for a few months until you learn some good technique. On D-Day, shoot him in a bunker and start ******* French, British and American guys. Forget the Russians, you'll get an iron beef curtain from them!

sugarbabyxoxo 2

win for perdixxx. hahaha ... butt Russian boys and German boys are the best! I'm friends with mostly Russian/German. :) hahahah and I'm German. XD

perdix 29

Thanks. I've heard the best guys are Americans, especially the older, more mature ones. Among them, the slightly creepy ones really know how to show a girl a good time. That's just what I heard ;)

Moscow_fml 0

Don't forget the Polish! ^^ We've had our differences, but i'm sure you didn't MEAN to take our country and split it with Russia. ;) Wooh Europe!

scrapytiger3 0

haha. FMLs are getting pretty dumb. just sayin

Put some staples in your hand and give him a tug?

Hey girl, anybody would ask for that in a man, sieze him before someone else does!

purplemnm 9

Webb sie nicht wollen, dass ihn, nehme ich ihin, ich liebe Nazi/Jewish rolle spielen. translate it your own damn self.

Everyone who doesn't own a copy of Thriller, leave the room now!!!

I don't know whats worse. he/she being so conceited he/she thinks that was a pick up line, or someone wanting so much attention they staple their hand.

sugarbabyxoxo 2

@ 69, I almost power puked when I seen your picture. hahahha. and as for this I embrace being German :) I love it hahah I'm not a Nazi though, hahaha butt I don't like the Jews beliefs! I don't put them in ovens about it though! ahahahahah

purplemnm 9

#83 just becoz your mothers fathers grandmothers aunt was 1/4 German doesn't make you one. I's trolliiiiinnn!!! jk, I'm German too...pure blood all the way back you?

im 1/3 nazi german 1/3 jew 1/3 mexican made a beautiful species! look how i turned out!

sugarbabyxoxo 2

pure blood!! :) mom and dads side are both pure breads lol

sugarbabyxoxo 2

@ snickerdoodles bigot- One who is narrrowly or intolerantly devoted to his or her opinions and prejudices. This word is a general term that applies to everyone (racists, anti-Semites, misogynists, homophobes and xenophobes). how am I that.

sugarbabyxoxo 2

why are you a ******* Jew or something snick? sorry I'm Agnostic! so be happy woth your beliefs, and carry on. don't even say I'm anything cause your Jewish and I said the picture on #69 is discusting! I'm allowed an opinion. so are you. butt correct me, how the **** do I fit that criteria, I have black friends, I'm bi sexual, I don't preach, and I'm not predjidus or however it's spelt. so give me a good reason how I am what you called me.

purplemnm 9

whoa we have so much in common sugar...0_o

sugarbabyxoxo 2

snick! actually I'm not against Jews! I disagree with your belief's! so technically your a hypocrate for saying that! just because I don't believe the same things as you, and the fact that I'm Agnostic doesn't make me a "bigot". I think you are for calling me names cause I don't like the Jewish beliefs. never said I didn't like jewish people. I have Jewish friends. so suck a fat one!

Snick, you don't need to classify everyone according to your labels. Just because she doesn't agree with Jewish beliefs doesn't make her a bigot of certain religious groups. For instance, I don't agree with the deification of some users for their apparent wittiness but that doesn't mean I don't think they're funny at times and hate them if I knew them in person...