Happy International Workers' Day!

By engineerdude91 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I realized the benefits at Burger King are better than at my company. I'm an engineer, have three degrees, speak three languages fluently, and work at a multi-billion dollar company. The guy flipping burgers has better health care and more corporate 401k contributions than I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 767
You deserved it 4 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

birds_fml 7

Are you stupid? The guy at BK brings home MAYBE 17k a year. I worked full time at Walgreens, and yeah, that's my yearly gross income. I actually got a paycheck of about $1000 a month. Full time. You make, what, 50k at least? That guy at BK would have to have 30k worth of benefits to even equal what you get. Get over yourself, OP. You worked hard to get where you are, and believe it or not, you're fairly compensated. If it's so bad being in your job, then why not get a job at BK? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Maybe you should apply for a job at Burger King then.


That's not all OP. He also gets discounted Whoppers! What the hell does your engineering job give you, discounts on engineering parts? Like you'd ever make your own damn airplane or car or whatever. Unless you're Howard Hughes, and if you are I'm surprised you're not crazy :/ .

OP just wants to brag. be an expat then. you can earn much more just because you're from overseas and can have everything taken care of. even your children's ed

Elixa 0

are you single? hey hey hey ;)

Vexation 0

Have you ever heard of Miss Modesty?

dudeitsdanny 9

I bet Fat Albert wants a piece of that. Hey hey hey!

ThatLooksSticky 16

Aww poor baby. Your pretentious, braggadocio little self isn't getting everything it "deserves". Here's a tip: stop whining like a princess, act like an adult and use some of your massively better salary to buy better health coverage and investments. Problem solved.

too bad burger king is GROSS. just shut up and continue with your job..

CoachLlama 5

Unless one of those degrees is from French Fry University, it seems you will always be on the outside looking in at the high rolling grill man. fyl.

maybe you get paid a **** ton more than the guy flipping burgers. he can't afford jack shit, you can. YDI

dudeitsdanny 9

And how much does Jack's shit cost?

You two are awesome! Your replies win too much!

crystalbeee 0

lie lie lie. u can barely write 1 language let alone speak 3. no comma before the word "and". u must engineer the mops around the building then.

Bullshit alert! Unless you are in some strange third world city or are a "sanitation engineer" who picks the trash this is total bullshit. I am an engineer and have been for 30 years. I never ever heard of fast food paying or having better bennefits than a degreed engineer.