Happy International Workers' Day!

By engineerdude91 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I realized the benefits at Burger King are better than at my company. I'm an engineer, have three degrees, speak three languages fluently, and work at a multi-billion dollar company. The guy flipping burgers has better health care and more corporate 401k contributions than I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 767
You deserved it 4 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

birds_fml 7

Are you stupid? The guy at BK brings home MAYBE 17k a year. I worked full time at Walgreens, and yeah, that's my yearly gross income. I actually got a paycheck of about $1000 a month. Full time. You make, what, 50k at least? That guy at BK would have to have 30k worth of benefits to even equal what you get. Get over yourself, OP. You worked hard to get where you are, and believe it or not, you're fairly compensated. If it's so bad being in your job, then why not get a job at BK? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Maybe you should apply for a job at Burger King then.


How do you think they get anyone to apply to work at Burger King--particularly anyone remotely competent? I've worked those types of jobs before (oh, and I'm super educated and bilingual myself...I just lack your arrogance) and the only reasons I applied were a) I needed a job, any job and b) they offered health insurance.

you lack arrogance my ass. talking about how you are super educated and bi lingual please get over yourself, being bilingual an having good education is not uncommon.

In the US it's a little uncommon to find someone who speaks two languages *fluently.* Even less so someone who speaks more than two *FLUENTLY.*

Zombie65 0

quit being a arse at least you have a job and a good from the way you made it sound lot of peeps don't ydi for being ungrateful for what you do have

Keep supporting the Obamacare Healthcare Plan, and mostly all companies won't be able to provide healthcare. McDonalds already told congress they can't afford it and will drop insurance for ALL of their employees

Stunningly stupid post. How the repukes convince the middle class to vote against their own interests is beyond me. We're the only industrialized nation to not offer health care to ALL citizens, and since we spend OVER TWICE AS MUCH as any other nation there is no excuse for it. That's the whole problem buddy - we need to stop attaching health care to employers. Over 50 million without health care, but I guess they're all just lazy right? Try losing your job through no fault of your own, and then getting sick - you'll be SCREWED, and then you'll have your hand out wishing we had universal coverage.

ahahahahahahaah... have a talk with your superiours and burger king is also, if not at least a multi-million dollar company

skyeyez9 24

BK needs the allure of good benefits to get people to work there. The pay sucks, cooking fast food sucks, dealing with rude customers is no picnic either for minimum wage. Nobody would want to work there otherwise.

davek 36

But you get more $$ in your paycheck than him. You could pay for better health insurance.

sofakingweetoddi 0

Right there with you OP. How the hell are we supposed to pay for our student loans to get good jobs when we get taxed all to hell and have to buy our own insurance? Not enough money to save for retirement! I did the math recently and found out I bring home much less now than I ever did before I decided to 'better' myself and go to college.

Stop bitching cause u are wrong.. My little sister works there and she's a shift manager and she doesn't even get benifits.. The only people who get benifits at Burger King are the head managers.. Soo that person flipping burgers doesn't have anything better job wise then u.. Sooo stop crying like a baby.. =]

rustynail1984 0

if its that bad, go get a job at bk. and stop bitching.