
By Anonymous - 25/06/2009 22:18 - United States

Today, a man from across the bar looked at me, pointed, and said "MMMM, now THAT'S what I want." Offended, I confronted him to tell him I felt disrespected by him referring to me as 'that.' Turns out, he was pointing to the cheeseburger that the waitress behind me was holding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 900
You deserved it 54 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Siren_00 0

Too many FMLs come from women assuming men are admiring them when they're not. You'd think people would learn by now. Besides, even if he was, you don't have to be so rude about it.

That must of been a good looking cheeseburger. Either that, or you might have a yeast infection.


MessyPaint 0

Never assume? So what, give everyone the benefit of the doubt, all the time, no matter what, unless it's 100% clear? That's baloney.

NDnation44 0

Bull shit. A bar is loud and you would never hear someone who must've been talkig to a friend. It would be way too loud to hear.

nice one there buddy and #83 is right how could you even hear that in a bar?

F your luck. That, or that dude did the most awesome quick save in the universe.

ithedarkknight 0

wow your just that stupid girl that everyone hates change your name to meg and go hide in a corner... who does that i got offended so i walked over there... even if he was talking to you and you got offended arent you the one encouraging it by going over there...obviously your seeking attention and it isnt cute get a life...

In a bar/restaurant, it's generally safe to assume that what one really wants is food. However your guess is often a close second. YDI simply for going off the handle on him based off an assumption. We all know how the saying goes, I need not repeat it. ;)

twist_n_shout 0

lmmmr, seriously, I think we all get your view on this! You've repeated the same thing probably 5 times now! Enough! Maybe you should just post a comment saying something like "To all of you who are saying that the OP is conceited, have you never thought someone was talking to you when they weren't?!" (in fact you can use that word for word, really!) But please stop posting comment after comment with identical content!!! So annoying!

Twin_Uzis 0

Haha, someone's full of themselves.

Immmr stop trolling you nerd. I refer to my wife as an object sometimes but only to assert my status as dominant male of the pride. besides she is a freak and craved the abuse.