
By Anonymous - 25/06/2009 22:18 - United States

Today, a man from across the bar looked at me, pointed, and said "MMMM, now THAT'S what I want." Offended, I confronted him to tell him I felt disrespected by him referring to me as 'that.' Turns out, he was pointing to the cheeseburger that the waitress behind me was holding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 900
You deserved it 54 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Siren_00 0

Too many FMLs come from women assuming men are admiring them when they're not. You'd think people would learn by now. Besides, even if he was, you don't have to be so rude about it.

That must of been a good looking cheeseburger. Either that, or you might have a yeast infection.


Well, how many times when a guy's staring right at you do you assume he's really staring at a cheeseburger behind you? :D

bigraws23 0

wow you're one of those girls who think anything with a dick wants them. yeah you def deserved to look like a bitch.

mcsnelly 5

Wow, okay so the guy ended up not talking about the OP, but this could be an easy mistake. If the guy maybe said it in a weird way, especially. This does NOT necessarily mean the OP is just sooo full of herself (like some of you are accusing) or that she (or anyone standing up for her on here) are "feminazis." Seriously?? There is NOTHING WRONG with standing up for yourself and calling someone out on being a pig in a situation like this (well, the situation the OP thought she was in). Just because she made an easy mistake, it does not mean she is a bitch. OP: Don't listen to to all these people. Seriously.

ZielZone 4

Shut it Doris do-good. The OP could have looked around but instead chose to think it was all about her. Typical of today's modern woman

I get what your saying but how does one get offended from being called "that"

hahahahahahahaha thats what u get for being a dumbass

mcsnelly 5

Oh and BTW- feminist does NOT = angry, bitchy lesbian. It also does NOT = hatred for everything male. Feminism = equality and respect.

I'm so glad you posted this. Half the people on FML have the wrong interpretation of it. :| Some people think feminism is stupid because men respect women, but a lot don't and never will. My dad and older brother are like that, they think women are only there for cleaning and sex.

The confusion comes from women who call themselves feminist but are not for equality but for female superiority.

Did he wink? If there's no cheesy wink at the end, then it's probably for something else. That's how I see it anyway. In my mind, everything sleezy is followed by a wink. And, since nobody else has said it yet, I Can Has Cheezburger?