Grow up

By BigKid - 28/01/2021 21:30

Today, I threw a tantrum because my younger sister ate my chocolate. I'm almost 18. FML
I agree, your life sucks 257
You deserved it 1 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's no upper or lower age limit for throwing tantrums over stolen chocolate. That's some bullshit!!!

If you steal my food, you better hope that temper tantrum will be the only thing I throw.


I feel ya if I had my heart set on some delicious chocolate I'd be pissed too

I would of done the same, no one touches mine especially since I paid for it

I used to do things like this until I found out I have depression and anxiety. If this happens often, it's worth getting some help...

There's no upper or lower age limit for throwing tantrums over stolen chocolate. That's some bullshit!!!

If you steal my food, you better hope that temper tantrum will be the only thing I throw.

I would see a therapist about that. It’s a very real possibility you have autism.