Great, just great

By lax22 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, thirty minutes after the end of a great date with a great girl, she texted me, "Yeah, uh, never come near me again." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 154
You deserved it 6 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry OP, but it doesn't sound like she's worth it. You will be better off without her. I hope you meet the right girl soon!

What the hell went wrong? Dating can be so confusing.


Sometimes people don't pick up on social clues that what they're doing or saying might be taken badly by other people. I agree with whoever said you should've asked her what you did wrong, because you may be coming off as inappropriate or creepy and not even realize it.

tehdarkness 21

C'mon you must have done something...

globalgirly33 2

I kinda feel like you should've gotten that vibe from her without that text... I get the idea you may not be very good at reading signals and body language from girls. Sorry, don't mean it to be bitchy, but it sounds like she would've been trying to get that across to you before feeling the need to text it to you.....

I have a feeling OP isn't telling the story correctly. I've been in this situation enough times to see the difference. OP messed up somewhere along in the date. But hey, nothing wrong with laying the blame on others.

globalgirly33 2

Completely agree. I dated a lot for fun when I was single, and I never once got a vibe that was so bad I felt the need to text that or even felt that. It's hard to not notice when you make someone that uncomfortable. I feel bad for OP, but he may need to look into reading signals better.

can i hear a chorus of "follow up" anyone?

There are 300 million people in the USA, you'll find someone. Every one gets rejected, can't let it stop you from finding your happy ending.

starmielin 7

Is no one else wondering if OP didn't do or say something to validate her response? Some people can be really creepy without realizing it.

ZY1431 24

I would've bm been like "bitch please u need to back off of me" lol