Good job, son!

By peeepeee. - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while taking a drug test for a volunteer job, I found out that I have a "shy bladder". It took me ages to pee into a cup. I was congratulated and clapped for by complete strangers when I finally left, all for taking a piss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 017
You deserved it 4 531

Top comments

snavula 0

A drug test for a volunteer job? That's outrageous. What's wrong with a drug addict who wants to help? They're not getting paid..

loveyababe 0

had that happen before. sucks


What are FML's coming to these days.. Get over yourself.

briana83 0

I love these pretentious people who say asshat things like "why is this an FML?". No one said it would feel crappy if it happened to you. Get over yourselves, seriously.

texxxasissouth 0

People are complaining that this isn't an FML because it's not. All he/she did was pee in a cup and have people clap for him/her. Seriously. Kids are dying of AIDs in Africa. That's an FML. This is exactly why most other countries hate America and the West. Because we bitch about pissing into cups.

briana83 0

@150-- I must have missed all the FMLs about AIDS and starving people in Africa.

Yulia_fml 0

I wonder when people will FINALLY get the concept that "FML" does not literally mean that this person's entire life is ******. It means an embarrassing or hurtful experience happened to them.

#41 get over yourself- seriously its this persons FML so who gives a shit of you dont think/like this fml??!!

#156 thank you for putting it in perspective for some RUDE people *cough cough #41 cough*