Good job, son!

By peeepeee. - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while taking a drug test for a volunteer job, I found out that I have a "shy bladder". It took me ages to pee into a cup. I was congratulated and clapped for by complete strangers when I finally left, all for taking a piss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 017
You deserved it 4 531

Top comments

snavula 0

A drug test for a volunteer job? That's outrageous. What's wrong with a drug addict who wants to help? They're not getting paid..

loveyababe 0

had that happen before. sucks


briana83 0

Thank you Yulia and jellyfilled.

_foxportions 0

awww, haha..that's not TOO bad? it could have been worse.. what if you had a very "publicly comfortable" bladder and you couldn't stop and overflowed the cup? could have been WAY worse.. but, that's still fairly embarrassing.

ugh this happened to me except the ***** was in the stall with me, and it was way awkward. i felt like she was staring.

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

hahaa. xD thats awesome. when my little sister goes peepee on the potty, we give her a cookie. did you get a cookie, too? ^_^ ;p

roflstephh 0

This baffles me, a volunteer job and you need to take a drug test? Where is this? I don't know of any jobs here where you need to take a drug test...