Go wild!

By Anonymous - 13/12/2021 05:01

Today, now our boys are older, my husband doesn’t care what they do. Apparently, if he knows what they’re doing, he’ll have to get off his chair and parent, which will annoy both him and the boys, so it’s easier to let the boys destroy their room, because at least then everyone but me is happy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 937
You deserved it 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then teach them all a good lesson, first clear out your boys room leave only the beds and dressers. then let your boys know they can get the rest of their stuff back when they stop trashing the rooms. then stop doing anything for your husband and when he becomes bitchy and wants to know why tell him you're too stressed out over the boys ,this in turn will teach them both a lesson and if that don't work go grab a switch and beat the crap out of all of them LOL just kidding about the last part. maybe


That's utilitarianism for ya. What brings the most good to the most people is the right thing. You don't want to be the Kant* here, do you? *this is especially funny if you pronounce it in the actual German.

Then teach them all a good lesson, first clear out your boys room leave only the beds and dressers. then let your boys know they can get the rest of their stuff back when they stop trashing the rooms. then stop doing anything for your husband and when he becomes bitchy and wants to know why tell him you're too stressed out over the boys ,this in turn will teach them both a lesson and if that don't work go grab a switch and beat the crap out of all of them LOL just kidding about the last part. maybe