Good girl

By Punphmelch - 26/03/2014 08:45 - Australia - Adelaide

Today, no matter how many toys and teddies she has, and no matter how much I punish her, I'm most likely never going to be able to break my 10-week-old puppy's habit of stealing my underwear. She doesn't eat them or even chew on them. She steals them to sleep with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 543
You deserved it 5 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sew a bed for her using your underwear, and go commando. Problem solved.


Sew a bed for her using your underwear, and go commando. Problem solved.

Or put them in a drawer that is out of reach of your puppy

Exactly. Why isn't your underwear in a drawer? Common sense.

Or more seriously, wear or sleep with an old jumper or a blanket for a few days and give her. She's a baby, your smell is comforting to her. I think you need to consider that you're punishing her for wanting to feel safe :(

#90 - exactly. OP - The puppy is telling you it wants something that smells strongly like you (or like the part of you a dog focuses on as "your scent" -- something near your butt&crotch). Figure out how to get your scent, strongly, onto something you're willing to let her sleep with. For example, work out with a tea towel down there ... so you sweat all over it. Or, if you don't work out, go for a long enough walk that you're sweating down there, while having the tea towel down there. Then see if she loves the tea towel and will sleep with it. Though, it may be that a workout shirt or sports bra, freshly after working out, and then hang-dried out, will be a strong enough scent that she'll settle for that. But if that doesn't work, try the tea towel idea. or a cloth table-napkin (even less bulky and uncomfortable for you than a tea towel, but more likely to eventually get shredded by her). But... what is even MORE IMPORTANT than this: Learn how to communicate with your dog. I don't mean talking, I mean -- dogs are actually rather clear about what they want, most of the time. The problem isn't the dog, the problem is almost always the owner not paying attention to the dog's signals. Go to obedience school with the puppy (obedience school is actually more about teaching the owner than the dog), and things will improve a lot. Read a few books about dog behavior, and they'll improve even more. But, mainly, just learn how to understand your dog, instead of punishing it for reasonable behaviors.

#107 slow your role... That towel idea is nasty and unnecessary. same with the whole sweat part, it's just not needed. a simple thoroughly worn old t shirt will suffice. you don't have to sweat in it, just wear it for a few days as an undershirt or just a shirt you wear at home then after a few days give it to your dog to sleep with or whatever and it should be more comfortable. I did the same thing with my dog when we first got him and my friend did the same when he got his dog and it worked pretty good for the both of us. she just wants to feel close to her mommy so she's finding a recognisable scent.

Well I think that if the puppy doesn't chew or damage the undies then it really shouldn't be a bother. Unless she hides them -__-

CelticSkye 13

#107 - I think the reason #90 suggested giving the puppy something that had the scent of the OP's privates is because the puppy is going after and being comforted by OP's worn panties. This is the scent the puppy is attracted to. If the pup just wanted something that didn't have the scent from OPs privates, it would have gone after something else to sleep with.

more like pick your shit up and stop throwing it on the floor...problem solved

Even better; give the puppy you old undies, go on a shopping spree, and get new ones. You can afford a new puppy and lots of toys; you can probably afford new undies (and the puppy probably won't want to steal them as your scent hasn't caught on to the new fabric yet).

And then put the new undies in a high drawer or on a high shelf

Oh dear. You just reminded me about that commercial for Vulva, the "intimate scent of a beautiful woman" perfume. Bad times.

Kuro_Kamen 12

One of my bitches does the same thing.

RedPillSucks 31

@16 where can I get one of those?

She's Rhodesaian Ridgeback x Staffy x Labrador x Bullmastiff

falon142012 22

108, I had a Rhodesian Ridgeback. One of my greatest dogs. Unfortunately somebody stole her from my yard. Just because she looked cool I guess.

108 I think you missed the jokes. Reread lol

rieebee 23

put your underwear somewhere she can't get to it?

whiskeey 14

That's easier said than done. My puppy loves to chew the crotch out of all my pants & underwear. She has amazed me at the lengths she goes to trying to get ahold of them.

OP probably tried that. The puppy can hardcore parkour....... On drawers?

Now you know what your puppy likes and don't need to spend more on toys!

Indeed. It works on cats, too. My boyfriend's cat wouldn't pay attention to any toys he bought for her, but I brought home an old shopping bag and some toilet paper rolls one day, and she was as rambunctious as a playful kitten. Now, all she plays with are toilet paper rolls, paper bags, lasers, and string.

Your dog is your secret admirer reincarnated.

I am concerned as to why OP's secret admirer would need to be reincarnated in the first place....

dont through your under wear on the floor hang it somewhere..

babygurll19 10
Hiimhaileypotter 52

#65: "Don't throw you are underwear".... ?

#142: It's okay; you can admit that you made a mistake. We're laughing with you, not at you!

babygurll19 10

#166 you're* geez u got the two mixed up xD

ashwowa 14

No it is your* "you're" is 'you are'.

Just give her your old underwear so she doesn't have to keep stealing them. Now you have a use for old underwear!