By BatWife - 29/03/2017 19:00 - United States - New London

Today, my husband cleaned out our fireplace and found a very dead, mummified bat. After chasing me around the house with it, he set it atop the mantle. He refuses to get rid of it, and calls it "Henry". FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 904
You deserved it 620

Same thing different taste

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You might be able to sell it... there's a lot of people who are interested in owning something like that.

So you mean that you can't get rid of it while your husband's gone???


So you mean that you can't get rid of it while your husband's gone???

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He probably doesn't really want to keep Henry- it's only funny because of how much it bothers you. But if Henry's in good condition and your husband really wants to keep it, he could frame it or make a display in a bell jar and put it on his desk at work or in his man-cave? Then you'll have a conversation-starter piece or at least it'll be somewhere where it's not watching you.

You might be able to sell it... there's a lot of people who are interested in owning something like that.

Tell him he can **** "Henry" from now on.

Bat: I was much alive, thank you very much.

Bat: I was much alive, thank you very much.

species4872 19

Sounds Bat shit crazy to me.

Replace Henry with a rubber bat and see how long it takes him to notice. (And if he is genuinely that attached to Henry, come up with a compromise like the encasing idea mentioned above.)