Get your facts straight

By Anonymous - 16/02/2010 02:09 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. Why? Because apparently her friends have seen me hanging out with a hot girl, giving her long hugs and making her laugh. That "hot girl" is my sister, who got back from studying abroad a week ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 867
You deserved it 2 758

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jeez. FYL, man. Didn't you try to explain?

curley18 3

well at least you got out of it sooner rather than later.


shadexilmaendu 4

Or cheating herself as a third option. Sometimes cheaters will accuse their partner of what they're doing, a lovely little psychological term known as projecting. It's quite a common occurrence, oftentimes you wont even realize you're doing it. As somewhat egocentric beings we simply tend to project our feelings, fears and insecurities on those around us.

You don't need her if she's just going to do that

Geez she should've just asked you about it in the first place instead of just straight up breaking up with you.

I hate chicks friends. I had one convince my girlfriend that i was sleeping with an eleven year old.

there's something called an explanation

Well why hasn't your girlfriend met her yet if you've been spending so much time with her?

i would like to hear the logic behind those who voted YDI