Get out

By Beauty - 07/01/2024 06:00 - United States - Queens

Today, in a heat of an argument, my boyfriend of almost 7 years of relationship said, "You are not part of my family, you do not pay my bills, so do not put your opinion here." All because I wanted to give my opinion on a new apartment that I'll be living in with him and his family after our wedding in few months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 743
You deserved it 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If I had a long term boyfriend who told me that, I would break up with him immediately. The audacity of that man to tell you that! I'm so sorry.

seven years and he doesn't respect you? you need to run... far.


If I had a long term boyfriend who told me that, I would break up with him immediately. The audacity of that man to tell you that! I'm so sorry.

It might be time to seriously reconsider the relationship, for one why are you moving in with his family and not into your own place with your soon-to-be husband.

seven years and he doesn't respect you? you need to run... far.

Gonna need context. Is he saying that since you mooch off him, do not contribute to bills, you don't get an opinion? Will you be paying bills at the new place? If you're not, while the way he said it seems a bit harsh, he's also kind of right. If I am moving into a space without contributing to it as an adult in a relationship, then I take what I get.

In most circumstances, I would agree. However, there are other ways of contributing that aren’t monetarily. For instance, OP may be taking care of members of his family, doing house work, cooking and doing all the shopping, managing the bills, etc. Many housewives in the past never paid bills but they deserved a say in where they lived.

Oh 100% which is why it feels like something that needs more details before I land on either side. Especially because even if she's NOT contributing, there's better ways to have a "Honey I think you need to start contributing before you start getting picky about where we're living" talk.

The correct response here is: Ok, **** you. Bye then. What an utter arse wipe who you are more than better off without. If his family is like him then you'll be their house slave... Run and don't ever look back.

I can see some of both sides in this. My own Mom moved in with my Dad and his family right after they got married. Some time after that, they got their own place to rent. They were both pretty young... If you're not contributing to the home either financially or with significant help (more than just cleaning up after yourself) it's kind of rude and self-centered to start putting in demands and "expectations" about the home where you will be staying. It's the old saying "The one who pays the piper calls the tunes". Those who contribute have more of a voice in the decisions... On the other hand, it seems a bit rude that fiancé expressed it quite this way - He could have been more diplomatic. But we don't know if, for example, OP's requests would have made the financial strain harder on those paying for it, which might have been the situation.

he just told you what he thinks of you. if you aren't family in 7 years, you never will be. get the hell out now because that divorce after children is going to be way worse than running now. I'm sorry but there is no happy future here