
By Fartnonymous - 18/08/2015 10:59 - Qatar - Doha

Today, it's been a week since I started farting in my sleep for no apparent reason. It's so frequent and so foul-smelling that my husband and I are both losing sleep and are having to take afternoon naps to make up for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 759
You deserved it 2 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it's that bad perhaps you should see a doctor.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Maybe you both should invest in gas masks.


I didn't read through all the comments, sorry about that. I would recommend FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth. You can mix a tablespoon into an ounce of fruit juice. The taste is not noteworthy, the texture unimportant in such a small amount of juice. According to the information on the web it can help if parasites are the problem, and I've personally used it with no ill effect. The key is to use FOOD GRADE, not the kind available for pool filters or extermination purposes. I am not a medical professional and do not offer this advice as such, only my personal research and experience.