Fishy anxiety

By Guaranteed my ar*e - 15/11/2020 23:01 - Netherlands - Utrecht

Today, I'm waiting for some live fish to be delivered for my tank. They were guaranteed by 1 p.m., so I took the morning off work. I've been unable to concentrate and have bee jumping every time a car door slams, so anxious to get them. It's now 4 p.m. FML
I agree, your life sucks 821
You deserved it 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The delivery people were floundering around trying to find you. You should carp about how crappie they're treating you. Knock them from their perch for a refund or just for the halibut.

So she wouldn't whale a sad tuna thinking no one is herring her.


The delivery people were floundering around trying to find you. You should carp about how crappie they're treating you. Knock them from their perch for a refund or just for the halibut.

So she wouldn't whale a sad tuna thinking no one is herring her.

samomaha 17
Marcella1016 31

I’ve never played that weird pun game in the comments. Seems a little fishy to me.

Bee jumping? I thought bee's flew, not hopped. =P