Fight Club

By Anonymous - 21/01/2022 17:01

Today, my son finally stood up to his bully and gave him a smashing that he damn well deserved. I’m desperate to tell him how proud I am, but my wife won’t let me because “we’re not raising a thug” and after 17 years of marriage, I’ve learned arguing with her is pointless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 230
You deserved it 400

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't have a "Don't tell Mom" arrangement with your son yet? Not everything you say to your boy has to get back to mom. My dad was thrilled the few times I got picked on and then beat down a bully. My daughter stopped a bully from picking on someone else with just her words. The victim's mom called us to thank her. It's one of the times I've been the most proud of her. Don't let this special moment between a father and son pass unheralded! (It should be between parent and child, but your wife isn't on your side.)

Sounds like you have a bully problem of your own.


Sounds like you have a bully problem of your own.

You don't have a "Don't tell Mom" arrangement with your son yet? Not everything you say to your boy has to get back to mom. My dad was thrilled the few times I got picked on and then beat down a bully. My daughter stopped a bully from picking on someone else with just her words. The victim's mom called us to thank her. It's one of the times I've been the most proud of her. Don't let this special moment between a father and son pass unheralded! (It should be between parent and child, but your wife isn't on your side.)

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

Tell him in private. Mom doesn't have to know Mom also sounds like a bully herself. Her word is not the only word in your marriage

randybryant799 20

Geez. I'm surprised your kid stood up to a bully. Obviously not something he learned from you.

My mother always got mad if i tried to stand up for myself. Teaching your kid to not stand up for themself only serves the parent by ideally making it easier to control them