The life script

By Anonymous - 21/01/2022 13:59

Today, I'm stuck between my absolute resolve to never have children, due to how abhorrent I find the idea of having to raise them to adulthood, and my fear that if I don’t have any, I’ll end up old and alone, probably die alone, and the body won’t be discovered until a neighbour notices the smell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 999
You deserved it 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I say this as lightly as I can, im not trying to be harsh on you, I understand your point of veiw because people say this to the childfree community as a way to manipulate them into having children.. And as a parent of four kids.. children are not a retirement plan. don't have children just because you're afraid of the future. Chances are, they will not take care of you in your old age, retirement facilities exist. Do you have any siblings? Close friends?

Don't worry, you can have it all! Don't think either/or, think both/and! Have children, be a crummy parent, and when they move out, you can be old and alone and die when no one else is around or even cares. Win-win!


Both are real world problems, but if you have a good friend you can establish a network to check on each other so you won’t have to worry about a long wait for someone to discover your body

Don't worry, you can have it all! Don't think either/or, think both/and! Have children, be a crummy parent, and when they move out, you can be old and alone and die when no one else is around or even cares. Win-win!

hobbestherost666 3

But your cats will be well fee

You could always look into adopting or fostering a teenager. Then you wouldn’t have to raise them as long. Lots of people adopt little kids and babies and just leave the older kids.

Adopting and fostering does not mean you're buying a servant to care for you when you can't take care of yourself. ... we arent backup plans.

I say this as lightly as I can, im not trying to be harsh on you, I understand your point of veiw because people say this to the childfree community as a way to manipulate them into having children.. And as a parent of four kids.. children are not a retirement plan. don't have children just because you're afraid of the future. Chances are, they will not take care of you in your old age, retirement facilities exist. Do you have any siblings? Close friends?

I get it, kids seem like a really key part of life. I just can't imagine having the time.

randybryant799 20

Having kids is absolutely no guarantee you won't end up alone. Ridiculous reason to have kids.

That may happen anyway even if you have children so idk.

That's not a legitimate reason to have kids. You need to genuinely want to have and raise them.