Fast turnover

By EnglandRocks - 12/03/2015 18:03 - Switzerland - Bern

Today, it is the one-year anniversary of my mother's death. It's also the day my father chose to announce his engagement, to the whole family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 329
You deserved it 2 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go to his fiancé when he's not around, say "you know, it's the anniversary of my moms death today, and he doesn't seem to care... Try imagining how much he really cares for you. If you think that's a lot, just think, when you die, he'll care just as much." And walk away. Let that thought sink in :P

Bree12345 15


nightfall8705 33

That's very rude of OP's dad to do! Sorry to hear about your mom, OP.

amt317 2

Wow, I'm so sorry that you we're put through this! I lost my mom almost 13 years ago, and I would flip out on my father now if he was to tell me he was engaged on the anniversary of my mother's death..... He hasn't remarried but at one point he was engaged and she wanted their wedding to be my on my mother's birthday, it's not the exact same situation but it's pretty close, and I know I was highly upset and extremely mad that my father was even considering it, to the point that I told him I wouldn't go... Once again I'm sorry you have to deal with this, and I'm extremely sorry for your loss.

I don't get why people say they deserved it, like how the **** could he have deserved it? It's their dad ******* up not them Anyhow that really sucks!

My mom died very young approximately 3 years ago. My dad started dating about a month after she died, and married (his second "girlfriend") within 1 1/2 years after her death. It's hard, but I've basically learned to let him live his own life and try not to judge how he deals with death. Though I did get mad enough to not talk to him for about 3 months, it's really not worth it. You only have one parent left and the relationship you have with them is really important.

itcomesinthrees 10

Very inconsiderate. Were your parents married at the time of her death? I could see my dad doing something like this by accident, but my parents divorced long ago and my dad is awful with remembering dates.

I lost my twin last year in June. I'll never get over it and I can't see how people do after something so intense..

kayPandastyle 15

what an asshole, that's incredibly insensitive.

I understand that it was on your mothers passing anniversary but think.. Do your mother really want him to stay lonely and depressed forever. She would probably want him to move on eventually

maybe he was just trying to alleviate some of the sadness

What so he can't be happy? Why are people saying that he's an asshole