Fast turnover

By EnglandRocks - 12/03/2015 18:03 - Switzerland - Bern

Today, it is the one-year anniversary of my mother's death. It's also the day my father chose to announce his engagement, to the whole family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 338
You deserved it 2 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go to his fiancé when he's not around, say "you know, it's the anniversary of my moms death today, and he doesn't seem to care... Try imagining how much he really cares for you. If you think that's a lot, just think, when you die, he'll care just as much." And walk away. Let that thought sink in :P

Bree12345 15


thatdudebrady 4

At least yours waited a year.. My dad was remarried 5 months after my mom passed away. Also sorry for your loss. I know the pin

kris1256396 17

Well that sucks. Maybe he was just so excited about his engagement that he forgot what day it was. Sorry that happened to you.

I can only speculate two ways. One, your parents weren't together when your mum passed away (sorry btw) so your dad has moved on easier or two your dad has rushed into something and is forcing himself to get over the loss of your mum or three, he just happens to believe that missing your mum isn't going to bring her back so there is no point holding onto his life because of her.

I think you should talk to him about it, I don't claim to know what goes on in your family but he might just be trying to fill the void your mother left.

He has moved past whatever grief he had and is continuing on with his life, how is that ever a bad thing.

Moving on isn't the issue here, announcing it on her date of death is. That day will probably always be a sad time for the OP, and he should let him/her have that day to mourn his/her mother. He could have chosen any other day to announce his new relationship, preferably one that isn't already "occupied".

Maybe he wanted to turn a really sad day into a happy one? He might think it's poetic, but it was still not right for him to not think about your feelings, too.