Fake it til you make it

By iamrose - 13/06/2009 05:16 - United States

Today, as I was rehearsing a kissing scene for a play, I realized that before this play, the last guy I had kissed was the same one I was kissing now. It was also for a play. Four and a half years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 961
You deserved it 5 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should take it as a sign that you're meant to be?

That's unfortunate, but a little bit cute!


hahaha everyone hating on #1. and aww. this reminds me of hey arnold when helga kisses him during a school play...lol

#11 it reminds you or you are 8 and just watched that recently.

Glam_fml 0

That really sucks. But I am sure eventually someone will come along who actually wants to kiss you and isn't just doing it for a play. Just be a nice person, make sure people know you are available, try to meet as many people as you can.. Potential boyfriends/girlfriends are everywhere!

#7/ alexgisforme3 - Why would it matter if he was a good kisser or not? It's not like it's real, and the OP isn't going to get into it on stage. Have you never heard about actors kissing before in scenes? They usually don't enjoy it. #10/ 24788 - You changed your icon to a bear? Why?

I don't see what the big deal is, this ain't an FML at all. Ain't even a story worth telling at all.

amatayo 0

How old is OP? And #1 is retarded. ( Here's a short poem) Number one how long must we suffer from your outburst. The call of the idiot "I'm so first" Add somthing be sides your age. Give us thought or calmly leave the page. So no more shouts from the one's that know no words. No more pointless talk that to these chats no point serves

I think I love you #17/amatayo. Reminds me of the person who posted the definition of firstism. I wish I could find it so it could be put on urban dictionary.

FurrTrap 0

Now you could take this two ways: 1. It's a little sad that you had so little amorous contact with other guys. 2: You are truly charmed! Twice on stage, with the same guy? So guess what will happen the third time :)