Facebook used to be cool

By Anonymous - 21/08/2016 09:21 - Ukraine - Kiev

Today, my friends told me they have been able to see all my BDSM likes in their Facebook feeds. My family and coworkers also follow me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 544
You deserved it 18 904

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What did you think would happen? The whole point of Facebook is to bother your friends, family and loose acquaintances with your opinion on things. Stuff you don't want to share with others should not be on Facebook in the first place.

Look on the bright side OP. No matter how bad you are, your parents will never, ever threaten to spank you again.


It's probably a private part of the OPs life they didn't want to share with their family. Some people are open with stuff like that, some aren't. There isn't any shame in either.

I feel your pain. I liked a handful of pin-up pages and a few photos and got some texts a few days later. turns out the iPhone Facebook app puts your 'likes' in friends feeds

Facebook is nice in the sense that it tells everyone the things you don't want them to see but hides the things you do want them to see.. Btw, the pages you like and follow are visible on your profile.

What did you think would happen? The whole point of Facebook is to bother your friends, family and loose acquaintances with your opinion on things. Stuff you don't want to share with others should not be on Facebook in the first place.

that's what you get.. you can't do ANYTHING without them wanting to link it to Facebook

I mean, that is kinda how Facebook works.

On the plus side, perhaps you'll find a kindred spirit.

Look on the bright side OP. No matter how bad you are, your parents will never, ever threaten to spank you again.

Thank you! I was wondering when someone was gonna ask this question. How DID he not know??

Soverain 15

For all of you guys who don't know what BDSM is. It stands for bondage, domination, sado-masochism.

Thanks for keeping it out of my search history.

Nyattack 14

Actually it's Bondage&Discipline, Domination&Submission, Sadism&Masochism ! (it should read BDDSSM but was contracted)

Not entirely true. BDSM stands for Bondage&Discipline, Domination&Submission, and Sadism&Masochism. It's a very broad fetish that involves lots of different sub-categories.

While the fact that liking something now shows up in people's feeds is relatively new, they've always been able to see the pages and posts you like on your profile as far as I'm aware. If you don't want something to be public, don't put it in the public domain, like social media