I have sex

By Anonymous - 13/11/2021 23:00 - United States - Vancouver

Today, I had a threesome with two girls. We'd hashed everything out and decided it would just be a one time thing, no attachments. It was great, but afterwards they both got mad at me for not trying to date one of them, and then accused me of wanting the other friend more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 343
You deserved it 1 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP appears to be female, which might get in the way of your master plan, since the other girls might be playing for the other team.


That is so sad. My heart goes out to you. Why don't you give me those girls' contact info so I could get together with them and work out their issues with you? I'm willing to make such a sacrifice.

OP appears to be female, which might get in the way of your master plan, since the other girls might be playing for the other team.