Early learner

By Courtney Micallef - 02/04/2020 08:00

Today, I was teaching my one year-old some new words. He pointed to the picture of a pig and said, "Mama". Guess I better start that diet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 508
You deserved it 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does your kid watch Peppa Pig? That could be the correlation.

Something similar happened to me when my daughter was 16 months. She pointed to a picture of a chimpanzee and said, "Papa". I said, hey, baby, in about 13-14 years you will have an evolution class at school and you will know how correct you are, plus I guess I should have shaved more often.


Or you could just start squealing like a piggy. *banjo music in the distance*

Does your kid watch Peppa Pig? That could be the correlation.

Something similar happened to me when my daughter was 16 months. She pointed to a picture of a chimpanzee and said, "Papa". I said, hey, baby, in about 13-14 years you will have an evolution class at school and you will know how correct you are, plus I guess I should have shaved more often.

WistayShlaio82 13

He’s one, don’t worry. Everything is going to be “momma” for a bit.