Our house, in the middle of our lockdown!

By cfails - 02/04/2020 14:00

Today, I found out the house I want to buy is being re-listed, because I can't have an open house to get people to see and buy my current house, because no one can go out in the this fucking quarantine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 720
You deserved it 248

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know the F in FML literally means ****, right?

yet I work for a moving company and I'm still considered essential. figure that shit out


There's not much real estate action happening now. CTFD

theangrybeaver 8

Calm down with your language. Kids read this site too.

You know the F in FML literally means ****, right?

julfunky 29

A good portion of the posts are about sex/masturbation and you’re worried about a few swear words? Really?

yet I work for a moving company and I'm still considered essential. figure that shit out

tounces7 27

Probably because some people would have no where to live if their stuff couldn't be moved.

tounces7 27

Did they not understand the same will happen with their house?