Driving me mad

By Username - 06/07/2010 22:21 - France

Today, at the crack of dawn, I started a 700-mile road trip with my three children. So far, I've stopped four times, settled several arguments, cleaned up spilled yogurt and melted silly putty. 130 miles down, 570 to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 062
You deserved it 12 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mumbellosity711 0

ydi for going on a SEVEN HUNDRED MILE ROAD TRIP.


zombunny 2

You chose these responsibilites when you chose to have kids. This is what parenting is about. Be thankful that your children are healthy and you can provide them with the things they need. Suck it up. It could be much worse.

TheBlueWaffler 0

Why are fml'ing you got other things to do

A long road trip.. with three children. This FML just sounds normal for your circumstance.

just because it could be worse, doesn't mean that this is the most fun thing in the world. OP doesn't regret having kids, they are just struggling to control them while trying to drive. and honestly, use your brains, the OP probably made a stop at a gas station or some restaurant for lunch, or maybe they are sitting in the passenger seat.

miyaviichan 27

What could be so important that you just had to go through all that??

sopeerocks 8

what's wrong with airplanes or trains??

XxHauteShot93 0

Dude, that's like half the fun of roadtrips. YDI for not flying.