Drink up

By ugh!! - 27/02/2009 20:28 - United States

Today, I drank for every year I've been in school. While in my bed I felt I was too drunk to get up and throw up in the bathroom so I decided to just do it on my floor and clean it up later. Later on I woke up and realized I threw up on my $1000 laptop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 940
You deserved it 228 498

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Had you gotten out of bed you probably would have stomped on it anyway.

Dr_Phil 0


Wow are you that lazy you can't get up to barf you'd rather do it onthe floor EW!

Why is your computer on the floor, next to your bed even, if it is so expensive to you?

cheap laptop anyways. who cares and @ 63 macbooks are more expensive than pc laptops foo

So here is the problem I see you have presented for us to solve. Here I'll make it multiple choice. Scenerio: A Student decides to take a drink for every year of education they have had. After consuming said drinks they end up getting sick and, in that process, vomit over their expensive laptop. From the information presented which of the below answers seems more likely: A. The student has little education and is merely incapable of holding their liquor B. The student has had enough years of school to get drunk off of, but apparently not enough to actually gain any sort of intelligence C. In the school's defense, it provided the student with a great education, but the development of a drinking problem led to death of brain cells which led to the death of the lap top

purplemagnet 0

been there done that haha, mine was $5000, still works fine, smelt a bit off for a while tho

laziness for the fail. and contrary to #72, drink as much as you want, just don't do dumb shit like this. better luck next time.