Doin' it for the 'gram

By My sister is a scumbag - 09/04/2021 17:00

Today, my sister refuses to talk to me because I didn't post her a "Happy birthday" in an Instagram story. It seems that the iPhone 12 I gave her as a present is just not enough. She's 19. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 116
You deserved it 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I see people who have an extremely toxic relationship with Instagram, measuring their self worth based on how much interest their Instagram gets. Sometimes I wonder if it’s more toxic than even Twitter. Some of these are young people but some of them are even in their 30’s or beyond. I suspect your sister is one of those people whose lives center on Instagram, possibly to the point she needs help.


I see people who have an extremely toxic relationship with Instagram, measuring their self worth based on how much interest their Instagram gets. Sometimes I wonder if it’s more toxic than even Twitter. Some of these are young people but some of them are even in their 30’s or beyond. I suspect your sister is one of those people whose lives center on Instagram, possibly to the point she needs help.

(1) A new phone is way too expensive a present to give someone unless you are in a sexual relationship with them or they are your child. Don’t make that mistake again. (2) You now know that what your sister really wants is recognition on Instagram - That will save you money in the future. (3) Sister is a toxic spoiled brat. Nothing will ever be enough for her. You cannot fix that, just learn to stay away from her as much as you can. Be thankful she’s your sister and not wife or girlfriend. Make sure to never voluntarily associate yourself with a person like that.