Doggy dog world

By bigdaddy - 25/09/2009 15:01 - United States

Today, while I was brushing my teeth, my 5 year old-son walked into the bathroom. He gave me a mean look and said, "That's Sammy's toothbrush, not yours." I've been brushing my teeth with the dog's toothbrush for two months now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 286
You deserved it 8 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dogs mouths are cleaner than humans. just get a new toothbrush, no problem. still disgusting though

flyboy57 0

you have a smart kid. he may have just punk'ed you.


A dogs mouth is actually cleaner than a stop complaining

Uhh, this FML is exactly like a comic on a calendar I own.

You used the same toothbrush for two months? That's not sanitary.

I wouldn't really mind, frankly. Also, I don't brush my dog's teeth.

dont worry...i learned on animal planet that the human mouth is the dirtiest place there is

Nother_Username 0

yeah #53, and dog saliva has much greater cleaning ability, you should be glad you brushed your teeth with the dog's toothbrush, your mouth is cleaner.

scene_purple0007 0
Ericabbyx22 0

so a dougs mouth is cleaner than a humans mouth