By WellGroomed - 26/11/2015 15:20 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, my housemate walked out of the bathroom with my toothbrush in his mouth and asked, "You're not one of those people who cares if someone uses their toothbrush, are you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 660
You deserved it 1 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Use his to clean the floor and ask him "You're not one of those people who cares if someone uses their toothbrush to clean the floor, are you?

I'm guessing that because this FML was posted you are one of those people.


I'm guessing that because this FML was posted you are one of those people.

derpina72 23

EW! This is SO disgusting! I remember when I was younger, I went to an overnight thing and one girl forgot her toothbrush and another girl who was her good friend just let her borrow her's, so she did. I, too, forgot my toothbrush, but I opted to use my finger. They looked at me in disgust. Fast forward 5ish years later and it's now a fact that brushing your teeth with someone else's brush is worse than not doing it at all. HA! I hope she enjoyed her plaque and germ infested mouth rinse!

Use his to clean the floor and ask him "You're not one of those people who cares if someone uses their toothbrush to clean the floor, are you?

You could tell him that you're one of those people who has a spare toothbrush for cleaning the bathroom tiles and you hope he's chosen wisely, but I'm thinking a roommate who is fine sharing your toothbrush will also share your shampoo and towel and anything that's not locked away, you need to nip that in the bud.

whats the problem with sharing shampoo?

It's less of a hygiene issue and more of a personal belongings issue, but unless there's an agreement in place I think it's pretty bad form to use stuff that your housemate has paid for themselves, whether it's their toothbrushes or their toiletries.

Sharing shampoo will lead to one abusing it and not pitching in cost wise.

The people who like to share shampoo are the same people who don't like to buy shampoo.

"Nah, it'll be nice to see wether or not this bump I have is herpes or an ingrown hair."

At least you know he used it so you can go and buy a new one. Hopefully that's the first time he's used it

mds9986 24

"Yeah I don't mind, that's the one I use to scrub my butt with anyway."

Shit in his Cheerios to get back at him

Whaaaaat? why would he think you were like 99% of other people in the world? Of course you don't care