Customers from hell

By midnightblade163 - 13/01/2016 12:06 - Australia - Caringbah

Today, at work a customer yelled at me, called me a 'fucking bitch', 'a fat whore', and, told me to lose weight because I wouldn't let her in the grocery store I work at to buy lettuce, after we'd closed. Lettuce for her lizard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 257
You deserved it 1 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. Some people are just assholes. Customer service sucks!


When bearded dragons get hungry for lettuce you best give them lettuce

Sathane 21

She's an entitled bitch for thinking she should be able to just go in when you're closed, but your attitude is bullshit. You say, "lettuce for her lizard ", as if a pet's needs are trivial to you. :P

Right? I was just thinking she should just go to a 24 hour store, but OP should never have a pet.

I don't think OP should have to care about some stranger's f*cking lizard, honestly.

Most responsible pet owners don't until the last possible second to get more food for their pet. When my cat's food gets low I don't until the bag is empty I go and pick more up. Why is this a hard concept to grasp?

Lol. She shouldn't even be feeding her lizard lettuce. It's so awful for them. She should have just went to a different store.

Sorry. I know my lizard loved lettuce but its not urgent. People who yell at the people closing are assholes.

Jeez what a bitch :( Sorry OP, pay no mind to assholes

wolfgirl310 20

Our lizards have to eat too I own reptiles and grow at home solely for this purpose

Whenever that happened to me, I just politely reminded them that you catch more flies with honey, and that their attitude certainly wasn't doing them any favours. #woolies4lyf #lolnopeiquit