By HardTimes - 02/06/2019 20:00

Today, I came home from three months off the continent. My parents drove me home, and when we drove past our house, I assumed we were going for a welcome home supper. Instead, we drove to a dilapidated trailer and my parents said, "Welcome home." We used to live in a large, beautiful two-story house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 169
You deserved it 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this sounds kind of suspicious. you had no idea your parents were having financial problems. cause that's a pretty big change in such a short amount of time.

PolyWitch 5

Where did the complaint state parents sent them? You know there are programs that send students abroad that are privately funded yes? Hell, nothing says OP didn't save for their own trip.


this sounds kind of suspicious. you had no idea your parents were having financial problems. cause that's a pretty big change in such a short amount of time.

mr_dinzaster 16

Maybe they gambled all the money away

Lexie 7

So you still live with your parents and the finances were so bad they had to move to a trailer. Still they had money to send you off for 3 months? Right.

PolyWitch 5

Where did the complaint state parents sent them? You know there are programs that send students abroad that are privately funded yes? Hell, nothing says OP didn't save for their own trip.

WeirdUS 29

Possible they saved for it over several years. Given it was a trip abroad the odds are unlikely even if it was the school to earn that much working especially if they are young would be unlikely.