
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - South Salem

Today, my sister came to stay with me in my apartment for the last few weeks of her difficult pregnancy. However she didn't tell me she was bringing her two dogs, her jackass of a husband, my bratty nephew, and an inflatable kiddie pool so she could have a natural water birth in my living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 438
You deserved it 5 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We've all heard of Bridezillas but I didn't know there were Birthzillas.


Send her to the Skeptical OB blog. She's got several stories of babies dying due to waterbirth on there. Personally, if my sis did that, I'd tell her she gets to go straight back home. Definitely would be one of my hard-line "Not in my house" rules.

Exactly what I thought. If the sister is having such a difficult pregnancy, wouldn't the logical thing be to have the baby at a medical facility? Sounds like op is either being fooled or her sister isn't the brightest.

Yeah, I was wondering about the "natural water birth" part... How is it natural for humans to give birth in water exactly? We're not fish, the baby isn't gonna be able to start breathing underwater!

Natural as in no pain relieving medications, epidurals or other medical interventions. A water birth is actually less stressful for the baby because it mimics the uterus filled with amniotic fluid and lessens the initial shock of being born. But, water birth are never, ever for anyone who is having any sort of complications or difficulty in their pregnancy. Home water births are also usually attended by a midwife in case things do go wrong. If OP's sister is planning on giving birth without the aid of a midwife not only is she highly irresponsible, but just asking for trouble.

48- when babies are born, it takes a few seconds before their lungs start to work, so then after the baby comes out, it won't breathe the water in. but she definitely needs to go to a hospital to give birth if she is having a difficult pregnancy. Some hospitals might even have underwater birth options, but if there is something wrong, there will be doctors standing by. midwives can do any kind of birth, but they can't perform any surgery, whether on the mom or baby, and they can't drug the mom or baby either. I think OP's sister should just go to the hospital for her birth

That sucks, OP. If I were you, she would be having a natural water birth in her own living room.

If you don't have any pets of your own, tell her that you can't have pets in your apartment. Also, tell her that your landlord don't allow water births due to liability.

hooligyn123 18

Or instead of making shit up OP could "grow a pair" and tell her she's not OK with it.

Actually, there probably is some rule against having a kiddie pool in your apartment. My apartment doesn't even allow fish tanks, because if they break it could damage the apartment below you.

That is just extremely odd. Wouldn't it be more comfortable of an environment to give birth in your own home? Why would anyone go to someone else's house and do that? That is just crazy! Sorry OP.

My friend had only at home births and it went perfectly well. It was even better after for her because she could relax in her own home and bedroom. She knows a lot of women who did the same with no problem. This said, at home birth are for pregnancies with no issue and if your sister had a difficult pregnancy, it seems foolish to give birth this way. Well hopefully she is doing that because her doctor told her it was ok.

Difficult doesnt necessarily mean complicated. It could just mean she was very uncomfortable. I would describe my pregnancy as difficult due to having hyperemesis gravidum, but I was able to do a home birth. We don't have enough details from OP. But who doesn't tell their sibling they plan on birthing in their home??

I really don't understand her logic but maybe I'm missing something. idk.

MrZsDad 19

**** all that. Take back your house.

Congratulations on winning the front row seat to an important life event OP.