Crossed purposes

By Anonymous - 19/06/2013 07:18 - United Kingdom - Manchester

Today, my duty manager demanded we close the bar early because she wanted to go home. I was subject to abuse from customers for closing early, then shouted at by the duty manager for not being done. My actual bar manager fired me for closing early. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 624
You deserved it 4 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

completely unfair dismissal, I'm positive you can put a complain in for that.

Tell him what happened and your duty manager will get what they deserve!


You need to go back and explain the situation, yeah. But remember this, management is a chain of command. Your Bar Manager gives power to the Duty Manager so that they can manage in their stead. Its _your_ responsibility to listen to the DM, only second to the BM. BM wasn't there, so your only choice was to do what you were told. Set your phone to record the audio of the conversation with the BM. If they don't rehire you, then yeah- explain the situation to a workforce attorney and see if _they_ are willing to move forward with a suit. If they're paid on commission and they take your case, they think you'll win. No harm done in asking.

If you're going to record a conversation make sure you check into the legality of such an action first. Some states or provinces or nations require all-party consent (everyone involved on the call), others single party consent (essentially just you). Make sure you know which you are in before you record any conversation for legal use.

Sorry OP, that really sucks. Finger pointing is never taken lightly but maybe in this case you should have them all together and explain what happened so blame will directed to whoever deserves it.

LookAttMyyLifee 12

just next time be one of the customers causing abuse to the person closing early

thats just retarted i hope u find a next job better than that one

If they lived in UT, you can get fired for ANY reason. They don't have to tell you why either.

Closing the bar early = Epic party fail.... Shame on you.

Writing a stupid comment = Epic Comment fail...Shame on you

Just find another job , one days yes the other no. It'll always be like that.

Shouldn't the duty manager be the one who was fired?

Every time I read of an incident like this I often wonder if these people just take it, go home, and cry about it without standing up for themselves when clearly they haven't done anything wrong.

skyeyez9 24

Omg....crap like this makes me so mad! I hate shitty bosses who tell you to do something, and you end up getting in trouble regardless.

skyeyez9 24

Reminds me of my old boss. Tell me to done something, then when another supervisor asked me why I was not at my station, I told him why....and my other boss denied he sent me to clean his ******* car. Sucks to be a peon in a company. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.